Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Leap of Faith

There comes a time when one has to face fear and call it by its right name. One has to make a declaration that nothing will stop him, advance one step at a time, and to be determined to conquer while taking deep breathes. The duty that you are called to perform is that you must face the unknown and leap out into space with all the strength one can muster. There is no time to doubt secure locks, harness buckles, or rope quality. It's all about faith for just within two and a half arm's length is a tennis ball hanging on a rope which one must aggressively touch. The mission is successully accomplished. Little does one realize that in a matter of seconds, fear is replaced with relief. Relief leads to rest. Rest leads to peace. Peace leads to a great meal at supper time after doing some crazy stuff. It was fun, I think I'll do it again.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Martin Family

Founders of Martinology

Picture taken by Daniel Mendez

Monday, July 07, 2008

Old Feet

"Of all the steps these old feet have taken, may those that follow find footprints that lead down the path of life." - C.R.Martin

Wednesday, July 02, 2008