The zone has been entered. The head has been shaved. The games have begun.
Schedule of Games ~ Half-marathon race: 13.1 miles in Lansing, MI - 9.28.08 Marathon race: 26.2 miles in Chicago, IL - 10.12.08

In both the picture above and the one below, Christian Martin, # 580, can be spotted. Hint: Shaved head with shades, white top with blue stripes.

Three words are the key to a successful run: pace, pace, pace - I began on a 8 mile pace and completed averaging a 7:35 pace.

The following pictures are classic. I strongly ran past James McNelly, #936, at an approximate distance of 20 yards from the finish line. The only thing between me and the finish line was cool air.

At approximately 2.3 feet from the finish line, I felt a wave of warm air as the guy plunged forward out of nowhere....what a guy. Later came to find out that my initial 8 minute pace at the beginning allowed him to advance quite a bit, only to have me catch him and actually pass him at the 13.098 mile marker, but see him run across a spilt second ahead.

Moral of the story: Never underestimate the heavier runner at 2.3 feet from the finish line.

A moment of reflection.
Posing with Fan Club.
Final stats: Christian Martin - Chip time: 1:39:26 Overall: I was #136 of 1,216 finishers. Finish in age group: I was #20 of 76
Overall it was a great run. There were dirt trails, paved trails, along a river, through the woods, parks, downtown, under a highway, over a bridge - always something different, never expected. I felt good about my initial pace that allowed me to pass runners once I got to mile 7, where I picked it up a notch. It was mentally stimulating to zig-zag past runners, to feel my steady heartbeat and calm breathing next to some loud gasps for air. In other words, I had good pace control. All finishers won a "finisher's medal," a great addition to my 5Ks and 1 10K!
"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain." - Paul
Next stop: Chicago