Last Monday we had an awesome opportunity to go horseback riding in the Pigeon River National Forest in Northern Michigan. It's about an hour from our house. This forest has the second largest elk population in the state, around 1,000 strong. As we were riding we entered a little clearing and behind a couple trees stood a huge bull elk. He had antlers about 3 feet high and he was a beauty! We didn't want to crowd him, so we slowly proceeded. What an awesome sight! We also saw lots of deer and a coyote as we rode. Nearing the end of our ride, we decided to gallop a little bit. We were in a field and the horses really wanted to run, or should we say race. Well, Heidi wasn't sure she wanted to gallop, but her horse really started moving out. She tried to slow him down, but he didn't want to. Before long, she just couldn't hang on because her feet were flying out of the stirrups and she had gloves on which made it hard to hold onto the saddle. So, off the horse she flew!!! Well, it wasn't a very nice landing and please don't try this at home. She has been very sore this week with a sprained rotator cuff and a major whip lash. But she is so thankful that God protected her from any major injuries. She is feeling much better now! Above are a few pictures of the trip!
Sounds like a very beautiful (and painful!) trip! When we first saw the pictures we thought maybe it was a set-up just for the fun of it. (like the abominable snow dude story) :-/
But then we read the description. We're sure you WISH it was a set-up!!! Sure hope you feel better soon.
We miss you guys!
love Daniel, Kerri, & Juan
P.S. The pictures are really nice!
Heidi I'm so glad that you didn't get hurt worse. I know what it feels like to have rotator cuff pain. ouch!...that would not describe it but anyways, you are both blessed to be living in the "north woods". i hope to come soon. i miss you!
Christian, your welcome for the free advertising. ;) Please do contact Mi Vida at anytime. However, our site doesn't seem to be getting very many hits either so I guess we will enjoy looking at each others sites. ;) have a happy day. oh, sounds like you are becoming a marathon runner. maybe Martinology should do a write up on that.
Oh dear! I hope you are feeling better Heidi! That didn't look good. But the horseback riding part looked like a lot of fun. What a great way to see God's nature!! Take care, Staci
Amigos!! que lindas fotos...me encantaron ...
Heidy ojalá estés mejor...me alegro que Dios te haya protegido...
gracias por tu mensaje de cumpleaños ...estoy feliz de que nos comuniquemos más seguido...
puse fotos de uds en mi sitio del ringo para que mis amigos los conozcan, les he hablado de uds...
muchos cariños para ambos...
oro por sus planes!!
Dios nos dé la oportunidad de vernos en algún momento no lejano...
Bendiciones del Altísimo para uds.
JAEL : )
Thank you everyone for your prayers for me! I'm feeling much better. Went to the chiropractor, got an adjustment and I feel good again! I never want to fall off a horse again...:)
OH MAN... Heidi... hope you're okay! wow, looks like you guys have been having fun. Will I see you at GYC this year?? Have fun in brrr cold Michigan. We're still dealing with 70-100 degree weather out here, although I can't tell because my office is so cold that I have to wear a jacket to work. :-) Take care!
falling off horses....piercing sharp objects through fingers...can you two just please behave and stay out of trouble?! lol. love you both.
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