Monday, September 03, 2007

Running Across the Third Longest Bridge in the World

Mission: To run non-stop across the approximately 5-mile long Mackinaw Bridge, Michigan

Result: Accomplished in 34 minutes and 11 seconds

Official Photographer of the Event: Heidi!

Governor Jennifer Granholm was among those who came to witness Christian Martin's accomplishment.

Christian's favorite and #1 Fan: His beloved wife, Heidi!


Melanie said...

WOW! 34:11 Christian... that's awesome. That's pretty cool that the governor came to see you run.. oh she ran with you... wow! Anyways, good job! Hi Heidi, I'm glad you took some neat pictures and you look great too. I love you both very much!

Joelle said...

Congrats, Christian. Must feel great! How fun is that, running across the bridge...!

Christian and Heidi said...

Thank you....thank you....thank you very much.

Paeter said...

Wow...7 minute miles...sorry, less than 7 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.