Wednesday, April 02, 2008

You Gotta Love It

When a guest speaker's sermon and pastor's afternoon training session were just meant for each other. John Baxter from AFM came and preached.... and I had been doing the training seminar all along. After putting up the letters and taking a step back for a final look....we just started cracking up.


Donna said...

I hope you'll send that in to the Review! Great lines.

Melanie said...

that's so funny. i saw John B. last night and he was telling me about that. anyways, i'm praying for the meetings already and for the people who are receiving the invitations right now.

Anonymous said...

hhrrrm, so, in the end, it doesn't look too good for the worm, huh?

Melanie said...

I'm guessing we won't see a new blog until the meetings are over. well, that understandable. Can't wait to see you in a couple more weeks. love you !