Report filed: February 10, 2006
Time: 6:14 pm
File picture: 2593-8032-5989

Actual 911 call -
911 dispatcher: "911, how can I help you?"
Caller: "You got to do something right now!!"
911 dispatcher: "Relax sir, please tell me what is going on?"
Caller: "I saw it! I saw it!" (painful sobs)
911 dispatcher: "Where are you and what did you see?"
Caller: "We were just parked here and it started coming straight towards us....I mean, it was coming right on, man....straight! The air just got colder." (high pitch sobs)
911 dispatcher: "What exactly did you see?" Caller: "I saw the....I saw the...." 911 dispatcher: "You can do it. Just say it sir." Caller: "I saw the Abominable Snow Dude....i know it was! I know it! (grieving sobs)" 911 dispatcher: "Did it do anthing to anyone?" Caller: "It came towards us, I flashed a picture with my digital camera and it was just gone. Gone. That's it. Gone, man." 911 dispatcher: "We have an officer on his way right now."
File Picture: 3423-7565-4562
Date taken: 1/15/78 - ASD was last spotted in the same location, wearing the same blue hooded jacket. Same cold face.
WARNING: The Northern Michigan area is advised to be on the look out for the Abominable Snow Dude. (a.k.a. ASD) Traveling outdoors or going out on a walk is strongly discouraged.
ASD is highly dangerous. Any person outdoors is strongly advised to carry a source of adequate heat as a defensive weapon. For information leading to the capture of ASD, please call 1-989-453-7856.
I would have to say that the moment was one of a kind, me being the jouralist and photographer at the scene. However, I think this caller was a little unknowledgeable about the reality of the event. Possibly an onlooker, but the ASD took my sister and I home and we made it safe. Well, maybe that's because we had the heat blasting... I guess his face melted off and that was the end of the ASD.
Sorry, I made a typo on my previous comment. I was saying that you guys must have had quite a weekend. I'll have to get the whole scoop from Mel next time I see her. I hope you are surviving up there with the ASD, Heidi. I'm sure you'll be fine. :-)
Heidi, it was so nice to be there for your birthday too. Thanks for all you are in my life. I love you
Chris, is that you? I think I see body features that I could recognize a mile away! :) ASD--SDA, oh, the clues... i always loved your silly moods!
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