"Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!" These were the words that warmly greeted the cold community of Alpena this morning as news of the capture of the ASD was confirmed. A massive downpour of snow was evidently too overpowering for the ASD. The terror that has frozen the emotions of the inhabitants of this small community has ceased to terrorize. Only time will tell how long the emotions will need to thaw. This has been Christian Martin, reporting live from Alpena, Michigan. Sleep well.....goodnight everyone.
that's HILARIOUS!!! I'm laughing outloud. I always knew that he would be caught one day. Looks like it's possible that his hands and feet may have survived the freeze. Only time will tell. Anyways, it also appears that he was left to freeze outside of the Martin residence.... ummm.. interesting.... a little sketchy ... oh well
Did you say....sketchy...yeah, that's true....we hummm.....we..we got the reward money for capturing him!! Yeah, that's right! You want to borrow some? No? ok. We'll talk to you later.....yeah, thanks. Reporting live from....I mean, talk to you later.
YAAAAAY! They caught him! What new tales will emerge with the capture of the ASD, I wonder??
ummm... ur... ehhh... plurrr... durr...maybe you need to practice some reporting skill there sir...I think that some reward money would be great. YES! I believe that I was the one who actually took the footage of this event so one would think that it would count for some monetary benefits. yeah, tanks, I mean thanks... grac grac gracias!
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