Sunday, October 28, 2007

Behold He Comes!!!

Elijah Christian Martin, the heir of the Martinology Franchise, was born on October 28, 2007 at 10:22 AM to the humbly proud parents, Christian and Heidi Martin. His length measured at 20 1/2 inches, head at 14 1/2, and chest 12 3/4. Praise our Creator God!

(Due to the little sleep and tremendous exhaustion, Martinology will continue this blog with numerous other pictures and comments in the extreme near future! Thanks for your understanding!)


Anonymous said...

Believe us we totally understand the need for rest before giving us more updates :-) Thanks for sharing the news!!!!
All our love to all of you!
-Mendezes (Daniel, Kerri, Juan and Elisa)

Joelle said...

Yaaaay!! Congratulations.
So excited for Martinology. :-)
We look forward to more news'n'views when you sufficiently recover to give us updates.

Melanie said...

Praise Him for His excellent greatness! It was so special to be there Heidi and Christian. Elijah is the cutest and most precious of all. I'm so thrilled to be his "Tia". I love you very much and am praying for you!!

Jessica said...

Congratulations on your little guy! From the looks of his feet he looks like a keeper! Can't wait to see more pictures. How much did he weigh?

kimberella said...

Congratulations! I look forward to seeing pictures of the little guy.

Paeter said...


Autumn said...

Congrats!! How is it that his first picture ever was just a foot?? We want to see pictures of his face! ;) Ok, you are holding us in suspense! Glad to hear he is healthy!

Manly Family said...

I am so glad! Words cannot discribe the joy - to be sure- in many hearts. Thanks for the update. My next question is: Heidi, are you really going to be up to a baby shower this Sunday? I don't think it is wise. Give yourself a break!
-The Manly's

Dennis and Diane said...

Congratulations!! Hey, we need to see more than a foot! You're killing us-we've waited a long time for this little guy!!
Keep those pictures coming!!
Love to you-
-Nessel family

Staci said...

I am so glad that baby and mother are both okay. Welcome Elijah!!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guys. Can't wait to see pictures. And I'm so glad everyone's okay. :)

Melissa said...

I'm glad to hear you all are doing well! Can't wait to see all the pix ;)

cutie1975 said...

hi Christian and Hedi
congrats on Elijah he is cute can't wait to met him in person. good luck. we miss and love you may god bless your family/
love Sam and Myndi