Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pictures of the Little Guy

The Martin Family: Christmas 2007

The Towar Family: Christmas 2007


Judy Ramos said...

Hey Martin Family,

It was good to see you at worker's meeting (Israel). We found your blog (Judy) and we hope that you won't mind us stalking you from time to time (every least once!). Elijah is so adorable (Judy says he looks like mommy, sorry Christian [but we named our boy after you, anyhow]). Hope our boys can meet soon!(the exclamation point from Judy)


The Ramoses

Joelle said...

What darling pics. Elijah does look a lot like his mommy at this point.
Looks like you had great holidays!

Melanie said...

So cute as always! That's a nice picture of the Martin Christmas too! I miss you both and can't wait to see you again SOON! I love you lots and lots .)

Christian and Heidi said...

Thanks for the confirmation about looks Joelle.
It's funny though how he still looks alot like my baby pictures. I could then say that I looked alot like Heidi when I was born and she looked alot like me. No wonder parents really start looking alot alike after they have a baby. It's pretty fascinating!

Anonymous said...

Hey Martins!

WOW! Baby Elijah is adorable. He is getting big! :) He looks just like you Heidi!
I hope all is well with you and your family.

Love Brandon

Anonymous said...

I LoVe those ChUbBy CheEkS and SpArKLiNg EyEs! You know, Heidi, even though I DeFiNiTeLy see features of you in him, I have to say that, (and maybe it's because I'm biased) but if someone were to see pictures of Chris when he was a baby, ThAt'S HiM. But you know what, in the end, the only thing that matters is that he is a PrEcIoUs LiTtLe OnE.

love, auntie melissa :)

p.s. I love the family pictures. Those snowmen are AwEsOmE!

holamickey said...

I think it's cool because Elijah I are friends... so for him to get so much PR - makes me a proud friend.